The solar eclipse on the 8th of April 2024 opened up the energetic portal for the sacred feminine to take back her throne. Lightwork has been done around the world and massive shifts have been made. All to restore the balance between feminine and masculine.
Mary Magdalene:
The wife, the mother, the saint, the prostitute?
The first time I encountered her energy was over a year ago. The softest, gentle, and loving feminine energy you could ever imagine. A big inspiration for me and such a contrast in this masculinized world.
For the critics out there, the people who know me well, know me for my capacity to channel and feel out energy especially in the last year. Within connections, or the collective energies. And so…
As I stepped into a beautiful little church last week, I saw the shrines for Mary and Jesus beautifully decorated. As I passed by an elderly couple that was praying to Mary, is sat down on a church bench. As I sat there the strongest container of loving energy that I have ever felt opened up. My heart blew wide open. It was the energy I recognized as Mary Magdalene. She asked me to connect with my heart and to feel into her energy. We think of divine entities as people-like figures, yet they mostly show up as frequencies.
The suppressed feminine…
She shared with me old wisdom that has been stored away and kept secret for centuries. Knowledge surpressed, ironically by “the church”. Mary Magdalene as she has shown me was a high priestess. A female magician. She was the bearer of intuition and therefore relied on personal autonomy.
She was a bringer of spiritual knowledge and promoted sacred sexuality. She taught women how to get in touch with their biggest energy center… Their womb.
Through connecting with the womb space and sexuality in a pure and sacred way the women that she led into priesthood became enormously powerful.
Autonomous, connected to their hearts, their men, to nature and their third eye.
Why the suppression?
Think of it. How much control would you have over fully autonomous manifesting men and women?
If control is your purpose as a king or a state, these women were your biggest nightmare. That’s why intuitive women were labeled witches and burned at the stake.
Women became scared to show their intuitive capabilities and attunement to nature. If you did, you were burned alive. That’s not something to look forward to, to say the least.
The way to control people’s minds and get them to where you want them is fear. By getting them in a fearful state you can program people to obey. That’s where war, money, and power play came in handy.
The minds of men were diluted and taught that they could suppress women as they liked. Also sexually, to take them as they want, when they want. That’s where the unhealthy and excruciating pain between the masculine and feminine started. Al for the sake of control over the feminine intuitive power (within both genders).
Because if people were fully autonomous, then a power controlled world would not work. If enslavement and disruption are your subjective, then bringing disharmony between the masculine and feminine would be your ultimate goal.
Feminine wounding
Loads of women have been raped, abused, used and thrown in the corner as an object. Leaving them feeling worthless. Or in minor ways by treating them as less than men, muting them, or making defying remarks. Everything to overpower and control. Women worldwide integrated the worthlessness wound and tried to get men to love them by having seks with them, staying in relationships, or choosing below their worth in terms of treatment.
Masculine wounding and why we cannot blame men
The male collective has been, programmed to believe that gaining control over women is their right. A powerful woman seems dangerous. At least. To an insecure man. From within it might often feel as if control and suppression is the only way to get a woman to submit.
These dynamics have also been played out the other way around.
An excruciating situation where masculine and feminine got scarred deeply.
Love and compassion is the answer according to Mary Magdalene.
By opening up awareness on this wounding and taking a look at the disharmony between men and women and the suppression of mankind as a whole we can start to shift things. “The rise of the feminine” will bring a new era. “Let us bring back the role of the feminine to a balanced state. Not by overpowering the masculine, but by working together in harmony. The joining of the masculine and feminine will bring forth the coming of a balanced world. Or so she whispered…”
She has shown me who she was:
A sorceress, a priestess, a teacher of sacred sexuality, and a worrier even. A portal to love, compassion, and balance within. Together with her masculine half, she promoted love and compassion. Even regarding his death, Jesus forgave.
The Eclipse
The solar eclipse on the 8th of April 2024 opened up the energetic portal for the sacred feminine to take back her throne. Lightwork has been done around the world and massive shifts have been made. All to restore the balance between feminine and masculine.
“Connect to your heart, I will be there for you to guide you on your path of healing.” Mary Magdalene
Thank you for taking the time to read this message.
Much love ,
– Phina